South Carolina Adoption Laws

Adoption is a beautiful process. Through these systems, eligible parents can provide loving homes for children who need them most. Whether you’re looking to adopt or plan to give your child up for adoption, you’re likely thinking about how to place a child in a safe, loving home. 

Like all states, South Carolina adoption laws have intricacies that you should prepare yourself and your family for. Here’s what you need to know and how a lawyer from Sarah Henry Law can help you with the adoption process in South Carolina. 

Eligibility for Adoption in South Carolina

According to South Carolina law, any South Carolina resident who meets the state requirements will be able to adopt. 

  • If you are a non-resident, you may also adopt a child in South Carolina if meet certain special circumstances. Some of those extenuating circumstances include:  The child is a special needs child 
  • You are a relative related biologically or by marriage
  • At least one of the adoptive parents is in the military service stationed in South Carolina
  • Unusual or exceptional circumstances that make out of state adoption in the best interest of the child
  • The child has been in foster care for at least six months after having been legally freed for adoption and no South Carolina resident has been identified as a prospective adoptive home 
  • All persons required to do so by law, have give consent to the adoption by the nonresident
  • Social services has placed the child with the nonresident for purposes of adoption 

You can find more information on the state adoption process through the South Carolina Department of Social Services and through your lawyer’s guidance.

Placing a Baby for Adoption in South Carolina

Deciding to put your baby up for adoption might be a tough first step, but the road to adoption is full of complex issues. Adoption laws and the relinquishment of birth parent rights can be difficult to navigate without a lawyer’s help. 

If you are married and planning to terminate your parental rights, you and your spouse must consent to the adoption. For unwed couples,  the mother’s consent is required, and the issue of the father’s consent can be more complicated. If both parents are deceased, the child’s legal guardian will issue consent.

Formalizing consent to terminate parental rights is done through a written document signed in the presence of two witnesses, one of which is a certified individual such as a state judge or our state-licensed attorneys. 

Learn Adoption Laws With a South Carolina Attorney

Adoption laws vary per state, which can be intimidating even for the most eager parent. Having the expertise of the team at Sarah Henry Law by your side would greatly speed up the process and ease your mind from any concerns you may have. 

Benefit from our resources and experience by starting with a consultation. Reach out and contact us at 864-478-8324, or fill out the online contact form below.

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